Before applying for a vehicle loan there are some items you need to have ready to help speed the application process.
1. Certified and current drivers licence.
2. Two most recent payslips if PAYG or two recent tax returns if self-employed.
3. Front page of the most recent bank statement of the account the repayments will be debited from.
4. Three years employment and residential history.
5. Two references (including their full name, address, contact number and relationship with you).
6. Three months bank statements for the account your salary goes into.
7. A monthly total for your living expenses.
With secured loans you offer an asset (the vehicle), as security for the loan.
If you don’t make repayments, the credit provider can repossess and sell your asset to get the outstanding amount paid.
The age of your vehicle will affect the resale value and if sold for less than what is remaining on the loan, you will still have to pay the credit provider the difference.
With unsecured loans you don’t need to offer an asset as security however you may not be able to borrow as much.
Interest rates are also usually higher for unsecured loans because the credit provider is taking a risk.
If you don’t repay the loan, the credit provider can take you to court to recover its money.
You might be able to get a car loan without going through a traditional lender such as a bank, building society or credit union. Peer to Peer lenders have investors who can be individuals or companies and that is where the money comes from.
People who invest through this type of lending are buying a financial product, typically a managed investment product while borrowers are taking out a loan that is repaid over time, with interest.
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